Hello all, this is my homepage, I am pleased to announce that I am actually working on it, hehe, but it will take me quite a while. I have many pictures of my friends and am gonna put them up, but first I got to develop them, sorry everyone.
By the way Sign My Guest Book!! Thanks!!
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As most of you know, I am home now, probably for good, DeVry was awesome, I miss my friends up there, BUT, I couldn't live without money, heh. The cost of living was incredible, so I had to move back home. I thought moving back would almost be way better, but now that I am back, I wish you all new how much I want to go back, things are royally screwed up right now, but oh well, thats my life, :)
Anyways, now that I am home though, I work at Best Buy in Moline IL. I love it there, the people are great, I do miss my friend at the movie theater, but I hang out with them all still, plus they basically all quit. I will be attending Blackhawk Community College this summer, GO DIRTY BIRDS, hehe, so it will be fun. I will let you all know what I take when I start. Well later all.

I am still working on this site, hopefully it will be up soon, I will have little things here and there every once in a while.
Thanks again!!
Click here to meet my friends!!
Its all about me!!
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I seriously recommend that you get ICQ, its easy and fun to talk to people with, we can keep in touch whenever, you know who and when people are online or offline, its Sweet!! 
@1999 Copyright, all rights reserved to Joshua Thompson,
please no unauthorized copies of any pictures,
thank you very much!!