Hello, here is a list of most of my friends, I will miss everyone, some more than others. Soon enough you will be able to select some of my friends, and see pictures of them, but until then, this is all you'll see, bye :)

This was one of the first times I went to Six Flags with my friends, they are, from left to right, Scottie, William, Tammy, Stacey, Jaci, Chad, Kevin, Jonathan, and me, sitting on the ground, :)
Aaron Lemon
Jamy Lemon
(yes they are related, brother and sister)
Samantha Eberts
William Lewis
Tammy Forster
Adam Heath
Amanda Dochterman
Jamie Chappel
Scott Allen
Kevin Kuhle
Scott Desmet
Mary Gorman
Jonny Frieden
Rob Frieden
(brothers, hehe, if you were wondering)
Chris Pappas
Jessica Wynn
Rachel Murrin
Ulli Nischan
Bryan Cobert
Johnna Danner
Brett Arey
Lisa Carlson
Lynette Mata
Chris Shrake
Jimmy Dailing
Jaci Erhart
and many many more, you are all great. And please, don't think of this as an order of my friendship, I just put everyone where ever. Eventually they will be in alphabetical order
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